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Writer's pictureTheodore Teh


Do you know how lucky you are to be able to use electricity, drink water and eat food so freely? There are some people in the world who do not even have access to those resources and rely on dirty water and rotten food to survive! When you waste these resources, not only are you causing many people to starve to death, but you are also destroying the environment!

Actually, this is not just destroying the environment, it also shows that you are ungrateful for what you have!

You may actually be wasting resources unknowingly!


If you leave the powerhead and wire plugged into the socket, even if the socket is not on, the head and wire are still consuming "phantom energy"! So, you can fix this by removing the powerhead and wire from the socket.


If you feel that cutting down shower time is too difficult, try to make it a game. If you successfully took a shower for 10 minutes one day, try to aim for 9 minutes the next day. Try to cut shower time down to 6 and a half minutes, better still 5 minutes! Trust me, the earth will thank you!


Make sure your plate is sparkling after you finish eating! Do not waste food as the food will pollute the earth!


Do not leave the tap on when you are washing up! Do you know that water is so important that we will die without it?


I hope that you will make use of these tips and follow them to save the earth! Till next time, friends! Bye!

- Theodore Teh

(founder of this website)

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